Aug 26, 2022
Chuck just got back from the OBX and he brought a few things for Mike to smell, taste, and enjoy. Then BOTR did it again and Mike called. Hollywood is listening and taking one of our ideas and going to the small screen with it. Lastly we know this has happened to you, it's late at night and you're hungry, where do you...
Aug 12, 2022
Everywhere you look, there are signs and messages saying "help wanted". A New York based mattress company is no different, but what they are asking people to sign up for may not fall in many peoples wheel house. Also should the state have the right to release a vanity plate to you, and months later decide they want...
Aug 5, 2022
There has been a trend as of late where advertisers are opening the bathroom door to help sell their clients products. We know that "Everyone Does it" but does the door need to be open? The guys roll out all the stops when it comes to this topic. Then Mike picks up anew hobby and is ready to get his own personalized...